SHREW has had an upgrade. Learn how to migrate your old SHREW to the new!

6 min readAug 19, 2021


Shrew Upgrade

We are really excited about these upgrades which will take the project to the new heights. We want to take this opportunity to thank all of our investors for their continued support as well as our wonderful Shrew Support and dev team. We look forward to an even brighter future for Shrew.

How to Migrate your V1 Shrew to V2:

Simply send your old SHREW to the following migration address:


Make sure you send the old SHREW token with the following contract address: 0x0c13970d3c5db20d48446a24e29fb9a77cd60de4

Please be careful and do not send your SHREW to any other address. This is the only address you should send to. This is to protect your investment. Please be aware of imposters who may try to approach you through direct messaging on social media & Telegram. Our team and moderators will never direct message you first.

If you already have the upgraded SHREW 2.0 do not send your new token.

Eligibility For Migration to SHREW 2.0

You are only eligible for the migration to SHREW 2.0 if you bought the old SHREW before Tuesday 17th August at 6PM UK time. If you bought after this time you will not be eligible for SHREW 2.0 since the liquidity was pulled after this time.

What happens next:

1. We will wait 48 hours for people to send their tokens to the migration address above.

2. We will then distribute the upgraded SHREW via airdrop depending on the amount sent.

3. Remember we are using the snapshot taken before liquidity pull which will be the maximum you will receive. Trying to send more than you had before the liquidity pull will just mean your extra tokens are lost. So don’t do that. Only send what you had at the time of liquidity pull. If you bought after that then you do not qualify.

For further assistance please join our Telegram group for help. Telegram: Join Group Chat. Again, be aware when using Telegram, our team will never direct message you first.


Why did you add tax to Shrew 2.0?

We added a tax only to the sell function for two reasons. The first being that it significantly helps reduce the manipulation of price action by both trading bot and human traders. The second reason, we wanted to ensure a steady growth for Shrew. Applying tax will help support this as the funds go towards rewarding holders, replenishing the liquidity pool, supporting product development/marketing and offering something back to the industry we are working within. Most coins have a 12% tax and up to 25% in some cases on buy AND sell. That is between 24% — 50% tax in total. Our contract only has the tax on the sell. We are able to switch tax off or reduce it but never increase it above 20%. Switching tax off means we can do this when we want to apply to a big exchange or once the token is used for reward points in the real world.

2. Will I be taxed when buying SHREW?

No, the 20% tax is only applied to sell orders.

3. Will you always have tax, wouldn’t this be a barrier to getting on exchanges?

We can pause the tax function in the future should it become a major barrier in progressing forward.

4. When will I be able to stake Shrew?

We are finalising the staking programme and will anticipate in rolling this out very soon. Announcement will be made across our social media channels and Telegram.

5. Will the migration to Shrew 2.0 affect the Certik Audit?

No, Certik will continue to audit for Shrew 2.0. The contract will be submitted to them and we anticipate that it will not take too long for them to come back with results.

6. Will the migration to Shrew 2.0 affect the agreement with Chainlink?

No, this will not have any impact.

7. How will you the Blockbot know what is a trading bot?

It is easy to identify what is a trading bot. On Dex tools, trading bots mainly appear smart contract next to their transactions but additionally to this it is easy to spot.

8. How am I going to receive my 10% airdrop?

The migration contract has an distribute function. When you send your old SHREW to this contract, the distribute function will send 10% extra of SHREW 2.0 to you automatically once we hit distribute after the migration window is closed.

9.Why does the price go down after AMA?

Some people may sell because they don’t want SHREW 2.0. Those same people won’t be able to get the 10% increase if they buy later either and will need to buy SHREW 2.0 from Pancakeswap.

10. What guarantee are there that if I send the SHREW to the migration address I will receive the SHREW 2.0?

The migration contract has been tested rigorously and it works. You will get your SHREW 2.0 once the migration window closes. We already have enough to pull liquidity so there is no benefit to us if you send us the SHREW. The benefit to you however is that you get SHREW 2.0 and 10% extra as well.

11. How much will the launch price be for SHREW 2.0?

It will be the same as V1 before liquidity is pulled but in reality you will have 10% more SHREW so your balance will be 10% higher in dollar terms too.

12. What happens if I don’t send my old SHREW on time to the migration wallet?

You will be too late. We will be taking a snapshot at an undisclosed time too in case there are some people who are late. However, you will not be able to exploit the system by selling V1 before liquidity pull and buying it back cheap after because we would have taken a snapshot of the wallets just before liquidity pull of V1. Also, the migration contract will close any further deposits once liquidity has been pulled.

13. What if I don’t want SHREW 2.0?

You can sell your V1 on the current liquidity pool but V1 will no longer be useful in the ecosystem. If you want to stay with Shrew you will need to migrate to SHREW 2.0.

14. How will staking be financed?

We will have a staking wallet for staking. We do not have a mint function hence the need for a staking wallet. To ensure the wallet is maintained, 7% of the 20% sales tax will be used to fund the staking wallet. It will be converted to BNB and that amount will be used to buy-back SHREW from the market to support price when it is most needed. When the SHREW is bought back from the market, it will be used for staking rewards.

15. If you can blacklist bots, you can also blacklist any wallet, how can I be sure you won’t blacklist us all?

There will be no benefit to us for blacklisting a person’s wallet. The purpose for having Blockbot is to blacklist trading bots.

16. The contract break function will be used under what circumstances?

If we have a large influx of bots and we need to blacklist them one by one, then we can pause the contract and halt transfers and then resume it again. It gives us time to respond to an attack and defend the investors from bad actors.

17. Why do you need 7% marketing if you already have a large portfolio dedicated to that?

You can never have enough marketing funds. Some of this will be used for product development as well. It is key to the future of our ecosystem.

18. How are we going to get out the liquidity if it is locked for 2 years?

We will sell our reserve wallet and pull out around 75% of liquidity. The liquidity tax means we can build liquidity back up at a steady pace and increase it further.

19. How are you going to do with Coin Market Cap and Coingeko, will everything have to be redone?

We will have to put in requests to update our listings. This may take some time but both Coingecko and Coinmarketcap have processes in place for token upgrades as it is very common.

20. Will the token name change now?

No, the token name will remain the same $SHREW.

21. I bought old SHREW after the liquidity pull on Tuesday 17th August 6PM UK time, what should I do?

We recommend you sell these tokens as you will not be eligible for SHREW 2.0 and this token address is no longer in use.

22. I bought old SHREW both before and after the liquidity pull, will my tokens be eligible for SHREW 2.0?

Only old SHREW tokens bought before the liquidity pull on Tuesday 17th August 6PM UK time will be eligible for migration to SHREW 2.0. Any old SHREW tokens bought after will not be eligible and we recommend that you sell these.




Written by SHREW

Shrew is an innovative blockchain startup set to revolutionise the multi-billion dollar shopping rewards industry.

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